Friday 25 April 2014

Tip of the Ice Berg

This also relates well to when others see children's adventure learning sharing items or when people see that a child is 'just' doing skateboarding or baking cupcakes. What you see is only the tip of the ice berg. They don't realise that the group of boys learning about skateboarding are all engaged in something that they're passionate about, that their attendance has improved, that for the first time they're working effectively in a team, learning to compromise and share ideas. They don't see all the planning, practises, time and effort that went into that YouTube video. They look past the fact that for one of those boys it's the first time he's really felt like he's good at something at school, because literacy and maths aren't his strengths. That he feels valued by others in the class, which in turn lifts his self-esteem and gives him the confidence to teach others how to skate, as well as to take risks in other areas of his learning. So next time someone asks why you've let a group of kids do cooking, art or sport for Adventure Learning ask them to look beyond the tip of the ice berg.

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